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Giving Back

Charity Abseil

I love helping charities & causes where I can - either #givingback in time or kind. Happy to help where I can, see below! Please contact me and I will be in touch.

Mentoring young people or staff from Charities or organisations that I support

I am a SFEDI registered Mentor & can offer 2 mentorships per year. Please send in your CV and letter of application by 30th Sept or 30th April each year to karen@karenperkinslifecoach.co.uk.

Donations of Voucher prizes for Fundraising events

Coaching or Social Media Taster session vouchers or talks

Sheffield Clandestine Cake Club

Running a Clandestine Cake club

Helping you rise your profile & fundraise with a theme to support your aims.

Being a Retweeter on Twitter for your charity or organisation

Follow @fabcoach on Twitter & ask me to be your #givingback retweeter

Offering Student projects & Signposting for Sheffield Hallam Uni Venture Matrix project

This year I worked with undergrads on a new CRM system, and Masters students on App development projects.

Blogging for your charity or organisation

Happy to interview you & feature your charity on my blogs Fabcoach or Retiring Disgracefully as guest bloggers, or to do a post for your blog that shows helpful tips for your customers. I can also re blog for you.

Karen Perkins charity work

Current Projects

Soberistas is a social network where you can meet people who are trying to resolve their problematic drinking patterns, and people who have successfully quit. @soberistas

The Archer Project help homeless & vulnerable people in Sheffield with a range of services.

Contact Karen

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From Sheffield and
the Peak District

Coaching throughout the UK and worldwide via Zoom